Bizarre Uproar + Aunt Mary - Recordings 1991-1992

Bizarre Uproar + Aunt Mary - Recordings 1991-1992

Label: Freak Animal Records

Format: CD, Compilation, Limited Edition

Sortie: 2005

Style: Noisecore, Noise

01 - Bizarre Uproar - Tidal Wave Audio Disintegration Of Sound - 6:04

02 - Bizarre Uproar - Session Of Extreme Nihilistic Horror - 5:31

03 - Bizarre Uproar - Slavetrade - 5:27

04 - Bizarre Uproar - 11-92 - 5:52

05 - Aunt Mary - GNU - 4:36

06 - Aunt Mary - 7 Tracks - 0:15

07 - Aunt Mary - 330 Tracks - 4:59

08 - Aunt Mary - 270 Tracks - 4:53 

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